Pizza With Shrimp on Top Curriculum
Pizza With Shrimp on Top Teaching Guide
This study guide is broadly organized into three areas from which you can select discussion prompts, activities, assignments, and information to best meet the needs of your students. Section One provides a detailed overview of the play, followed by ordered discussion questions, activities, and assignments. Section Two explores some of the possible connections between Pizza and other texts, both canonical and contemporary. Section Three provides a variety of resources that may be helpful for teachers, including a quotation bank, statistical information, an example of how young adult drama can meet state ELA standards, and a number of multimedia resources including a video interview with the author. Although we make teaching suggestions throughout this guide, we also encourage you to adapt, omit, or change what follows according to the specific needs of your students. View the Teaching Guide by clicking the title above.
Pizza With Shrimp on Top Staged Reading by Cobb County Teachers
This is a 20 minute quick time staged reading done by Cobb County Teachers in 2007. Watch this video to get a feel for how others have read the characters within the play. Watch the video by clicking the title above.
Suicide Prevention Presentation
As Pizza with Shrimp on Top deals with the issue of teen suicide, it may be important to educate onself before performing the play. This presentation offers information on an overview of suicide facts and myths, depression, risk factors, prevention, intervention etc. Click the title above to view the powerpoint.